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Get Ready for the Many Benefits of Dental Implants in Melbourne!

February 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 2:47 am
older woman smiling blue glasses

Living without your teeth has been tough, and you’re ready to finally have them replaced. You’ve heard about the option of having dental implants in Melbourne inserted, but you’re not sure what to expect. A local dentist weighs in to provide details about the huge benefits you can look forward to!


Your Dentist in Melbourne Says Don’t Succumb to Bad Breath!

February 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 2:37 am
woman covering mouth bad breath

If you were to create a list of the top most embarrassing things to happen, one of them would arguably have to involve being identified as a person with bad breath. Your dentist in Melbourne says whether you’re suffering from temporary or chronic bad breath, there are some steps you can take to turn things around. Find out about them and how preventive care can help as you continue reading.
