When you brush your teeth, do you experience tooth sensitivity or notice a bit of blood in the sink when you rinse? These could be signs that you’re brushing too hard. Many people think that using hard or medium bristled toothbrushes or pressing down when they brush can get their teeth cleaner, but that’s simply not true. Forceful brushing can lead to a condition known as tooth abrasion, and it can damage your smile. If you’re wondering whether you brush too hard, your dentist in Melbourne can help! Keep reading for signs that you may be too forceful.
Frayed Bristles
Splayed bristles are a telltale sign that you may be pressing too hard when you brush. Normal wear and tear to your toothbrush, like frayed bristles, will occur with regular dental care. It’s one of the reasons your dentist recommends replacing it every 3 months. But if the bristles seem to wear down sooner than this, you are probably overbrushing.
Increased Sensitivity
Vigorous brushing can lead to the gradual removal of your enamel. As this happens, your dentin, which has tiny tubules that are connected to nerve tissue, will become more and more exposed and increase your teeth’s sensitivity to cold and heat. Once removed, enamel cannot grow back. If this has happened to you, your dentist may suggest mouthwashes or toothpastes that can help minimize your sensitivity to extreme temperatures found in coffee or ice cream.
A Lackluster Smile
Forceful brushing will not make your teeth look whiter. In fact, it will actually make your smile more and more dull. Enamel is what makes your teeth look white and protects them from both hot and cold temperatures. If your teeth are lackluster and sensitive, it is likely because hard brushing has worn away your enamel and exposed your dentin, which is naturally yellow in color.
Gum Recession
Damaged gum tissue can also be a result of brushing too hard. Frequent damage to your gums will not only cause them to bleed, but it will also cause your gums to recede. If the roots of your teeth are easily visible, it’s very likely that you have gum recession.
If you want good oral health, it’s important to take care of your teeth. Brushing away your enamel can do more than increase your dental sensitivity. It can also put you at risk for tooth decay and other more serious issues. The good news is that if your enamel has only been weakened by forceful brushing habits, your dentist can help you restore it. If these symptoms sound familiar try cleaning your teeth using a lighter touch, and schedule an appointment with your dentist today to find out how you can save your smile.
About the Author
At Exceptional Dentistry, Dr. Beverly Rose and her staff offer patients in the Melbourne area a wide range of services and amenities. They provide a comfortable, comprehensive dental experience every time. If you’re worried you may have been brushing too hard, or simply need a dental cleaning, contact the office at (321)259-4666, or visit the website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rose today.