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How Can Seniors Practice Good Oral Hygiene?

November 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 7:03 pm
mature man brushing his teeth in bathroom

Whether you go out to the bar for an evening with your friends or play a game of pickup basketball with them, you are more likely to feel the effects of either activity the next day as you get older. You have to take better care of yourself than you did 20 years ago.

While you were hopefully just as diligent in your oral hygiene regimen back in college as you are now, your teeth are definitely more susceptible to dental health problems in your golden years than they were in the old days. Keep reading for some dental hygiene tips for seniors from your dentist in Melbourne.


How Can Understanding My Mouth’s Anatomy Promote Oral Care?

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 6:53 pm
illustration of open mouth

From your dog to your truck and much more, the better understanding you have of how something works, the more effectively you can take care of it. The same goes for your mouth in your efforts to maintain good oral hygiene.

Keep reading to learn the parts of the mouth from your dentist in Melbourne and find out how each one assists the other. Your teeth may get most of the attention, but there’s a lot more going on in the human mouth.
