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Big Day Coming Up? Here’s How Long Teeth Whitening Could Take

April 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 8:55 pm
Someone with a very white smile

Summer is nearly here, which means that there are plenty of big events just around the corner. Weddings, graduations, and even days spent on the beach can all be great opportunities to take photos, which means that people naturally work hard to look their best this time of year.

Professional teeth whitening can help you do that. This treatment can allow you to make your smile up to eight shades whiter than it was before, giving you a set or pearly whites you’ll be allowed to show off. However, you might wonder whether it’s too late to have your teeth whitened before your big day—here’s what you should know about the timeline of whitening treatment.


What to Know for Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 9:01 pm
Oral cancer ribbon

Oral cancer is an incredibly dangerous, sometimes deadly disease. Oftentimes, it isn’t detected until its later stages when it is especially detrimental. Fortunately, when detected and treated early on, many people end up making a full recovery. In honor of Oral Cancer Awareness month, continue reading to learn about some of the different risk factors and signs of oral cancer so they can be addressed quickly.
