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How Long Do Tooth-Colored Fillings Last? 

February 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 12:59 pm
A woman getting a tooth-colored filling

According to the CDC, approximately 90 percent of adults in the United States have had a cavity (tooth decay) at some point in their life. But while in the past, they might have been treated with metal (amalgam) fillings, today your dentist uses tooth-colored, composite resin fillings to restore your smile.

If you’re wondering how long you can expect your new filling to last, and how to take care of it so it continues to protect your smile against further damage, here’s everything you need to know about living with tooth-colored fillings!

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings Made Of?

Tooth-colored fillings are made of a putty-like compound called composite resin. It is a mixture of resin (a type of plastic) and glass. These materials can be completely customized to match the color of your teeth, so nobody ever needs to know you have restorations.

How Does My Dentist Use Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth-colored filling treatment has many advantages over old-fashioned metal fillings. For starters, because the putty-like material can get into the nooks and crannies of your teeth, less tooth enamel needs to be removed during treatment. This means your dentist will only remove the decay and not the healthy enamel.

Once the tooth is filled in, your dentist will then use a special curing light which hardens it the putty in place, creating a seamless restoration that discreetly blends in with your smile.

How Long Do Tooth-Colored Fillings Last?

You can expect your tooth-colored filling to last anywhere from five to ten years or more with proper care and usage. With composite resin, you can still use your teeth just as you did before treatment. However, if you have restorations on front teeth, you’ll want to be careful biting or chewing anything too crunchy, as despite its durability, your tooth-colored filling is still not as strong as a natural tooth and could chip or break off.

How Should I Care for My Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Caring for your new filling is easy. Teeth treated with composite resin can be brushed and flossed just like untreated teeth, with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste, and regular dental floss. It is important to note that tooth-colored fillings cannot change color, so using a whitening toothpaste will not change their shade. If you decide to whiten your teeth, you may notice a difference in color between them and your restorations, so consider whitening before you get fillings so your dentist can match them to your ideal shade of smile.

Remember, getting a tooth-colored filling is a fast and effective way to repair minor to moderate cavities and tooth decay. With proper care and usage, these durable, natural-looking restorations can discreetly protect your smile for years to come!

About Dr. Rose

Dr. Beverly Rose earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida and her doctorate in dental medicine from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. She has taken extensive postgraduate training at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute, focusing on topics such as cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry. She also regularly attends seminars by the International Association of Comprehensive Aesthetics, the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

If you have untreated cavities or would like to replace your older, amalgam metal fillings with beautiful, durable tooth-colored fillings, please schedule an appointment at Exceptional Dentistry by visiting our website or calling us today at 321-259-4666.

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