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Beverly Rose DMD Blog

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? Are They Worth The Investment?

October 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:35 pm
worry-free couple dancing in their kitchen

Living with missing teeth isn’t just an annoyance, it can also cause oral health problems to develop. That’s why most patients turn to dental implants in Melbourne. They’re a long-lasting, strong, and durable solution that offers unmatched benefits compared to traditional options. Although patients are often turned off of the procedure by the higher up-front cost, they forget to consider that they last for decades, making them the more economical solution in the long-run. Read on to learn how the materials and technology used for dental implants contributes to their lifespan of over 30 years when they’re properly cared for.


4 Dental Myths That May Be Keeping Your Oral Health From Improving

September 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 4:39 pm
letter blocks spelling out "fact" and "fake"

Dental myths have been around for thousands of years. Over that time, certain tall-tales have begun to present themselves as facts, which could be doing more harm for people’s oral health than they think. The best way to debunk a rumor is to visit your dentist in Melbourne and ask them yourself. However, you can also read on to learn about four popular legends that could be keeping you from having a healthy and happy smile.


Break These 4 Dental Habits Before They Cause Permanent Damage

August 29, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 1:10 pm
person opening a beer with their teeth

Having a bad habit is dangerous because you probably don’t realize how often or when you’re doing it, making it hard to correct. Taking care of your natural teeth is important because you only get one chance to do that. When you do things like smoke cigarettes, over time, these can cause severe oral health problems that can grow to wreak havoc on your entire body. Breaking these can keep you from experiencing oral pain down the road. Your dentist in Melbourne discusses the top four bad habits that could cause a dental emergency below.


How to Prevent Gum Disease from Your Dentist in Melbourne

July 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 8:20 pm
gum disease

In a perfect world, we would keep all of our teeth for our entire lives. Unfortunately, thanks to gum disease, that’s not always possible. Gum disease is the number one cause of adult tooth loss. But how exactly does it work? How can you tell if you have it? Lucky for you, a dentist in Melbourne, FL is here to answer all of your questions about gum disease.


How Can Porcelain Veneers in Melbourne Improve My Smile?

June 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:05 pm
diagram of veneers

People with beautiful white smiles love to show them off, but it can be hard to do the same thing if you have chips, stains, or gaps in your teeth. Thankfully, there is an easy way to fix them and restore your confidence in your smile. Porcelain veneers offer a great way to instantly give you a beautiful grin. Let’s examine how porcelain veneers in Melbourne, FL can improve your smile.


Top 5 Reasons to Get Teeth Whitening in Melbourne

June 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:58 pm
man with white teeth smiling

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “I look so good except for my yellow teeth”? If so, you could benefit from getting your teeth whitened. Teeth become yellow over time due to things like smoking, drinking dark liquids, and even just the natural aging process. Let’s talk about the top 5 reasons why you should get teeth whitening in Melbourne.


A Dentist in Melbourne Discusses The Link Between Your Oral and Overall Health

May 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 3:38 pm
person jogging and smiling

When you consider what makes a healthy person, you think about exercising and proper nutrition. The last thing you’d consider would be your oral health and hygiene. Recent research has established a link between your oral hygiene and serious illnesses such as heart disease, respiratory problems, and Alzheimer’s. Learn about the connection and how you can protect your overall health by visiting your dentist in Melbourne.


Terms To Know While Researching Dental Implants In Melbourne

May 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 4:24 pm
dental implants

If you’re looking into dental implants in Melbourne, you’re probably suffering from tooth loss. Leaving teeth unreplaced can have detrimental impacts on your oral health. There’s a reason that dental implants are a highly recommended procedure, and it’s because they’re able to provide benefits that no other restoration can. Read on to learn common terms used when describing dental implants so you can have a better understanding of the procedure.


Your Dentist in Melbourne Says Protect Yourself from Oral Cancer!

April 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 2:54 pm
woman thumbs up dentist chair

This year, as many as 50,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with oral cancer, and nearly 10,000 people will succumb to the condition. For dentists around the country, these numbers are unacceptable, so to raise the consciousness about this growing threat, April has been designated as National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. As you read further, learn why it’s so important to visit your dentist in Melbourne for preventive care, and discover how an oral cancer screening could save your life!


How TMJ Therapy in Melbourne Can Restore Your Jaw Health

April 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 2:45 pm
older man holding jaw in pain

Have you noticed how easy it is to move your jaw through the different plains of motion? That’s because its movement is controlled by a special joint complex called the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Because of its dynamism, the joint can become inflamed and irritated, though. If this happens, learn how TMJ therapy in Melbourne can help to restore your normal jaw function and to prevent pain.

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