Oral cancer is that which affects the lips, tongue, cheeks, tonsils, or other parts of the mouth. It is very common, with estimates saying as many as 51,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year.
(more…)Oral cancer is that which affects the lips, tongue, cheeks, tonsils, or other parts of the mouth. It is very common, with estimates saying as many as 51,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year.
(more…)“Spring cleaning” is defined as “the act or process of doing a thorough cleaning of a place.” Its first-known use was way back in 1841. Conveniently for a dental blog post, the place where said cleaning is occurring can be your mouth! Spring is a great time to dust off the cobwebs and seek a fresh start. Your oral health isn’t too far removed from what is likely its most difficult time of the year – the holiday season – and a teeth cleaning could be just what the doctor (or dentist) ordered. Keep reading to get some helpful tips from your dentist in Melbourne.
(more…)Do you find that you always seem to have some sort of dental issue you’re dealing with? You might even feel like it doesn’t really have much to do with your oral hygiene routine. Can bad teeth run in the family? Genetics and family life do play a role when it comes to your oral health, but this doesn’t mean you need to suffer from dental issues for the rest of your life. Read on to learn from your dentist in Melbourne what you need to know about oral health and heredity.
(more…)Sometimes, protecting your heart from harm is easier said than done. It can be difficult to convince yourself to go to the gym when fast food and a movie marathon sounds like the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Even if you struggle to get yourself work out more often and do other things that are good for you, there is one unexpected way that you can take care of your heart: through having a healthy smile. Read on to learn how oral health issues like gum disease can do damage to your cardiovascular system and how you can prevent it.
(more…)Every February 14, couples far and wide celebrate Valentine’s Day by showing their love for each other. Though the exact origin of this holiday is unknown, it has evolved quite a bit over the year to become a time to celebrate romance through gifts like chocolate, flowers, and teddy bears. Though there’s nothing wrong with giving these classic presents to your loved one, why not give them something outside of the box, like things that will encourage a healthy smile? To help you find the perfect present to show them how much you care, here are 4 Valentine’s Day dental gifts that they’re sure to love.
(more…)There always seems to be a new fad diet out there. Whether your goal is to lower the number that’s on the scale, cut out additional junk food, or build up some muscle, many have shown to be effective. However, not all diet trends have the best effect on your smile. Because of this, it’s always important that you do research before giving them a try. Read on to learn about three popular fad diets that you should be particularly careful of.
(more…)Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? Many people want to become the best version of themselves, but make the mistake of setting unreasonable or undefined goals. If you’re looking for practical New Year’s resolutions that will improve your life and are easy to do, why not start with your oral health? Read on as we go over four practical New Year’s resolutions you can make to achieve a healthier smile in Melbourne!
(more…)You know you hit a home run as a parent on Christmas morning when your child gets that look of excitement after tearing the wrapping paper off a present or examining the goodies within their stocking. When you select a gift they enjoy that helps keep them healthy, you both win!
Read on to discover some ideas for stocking stuffers that encourage kids to take good care of their teeth, plus some suggestions for their oral hygiene routine, from your dentist in Melbourne.
(more…)A drink of cold iced tea – ouch. A sip of hot cocoa – yikes. Is the discomfort you experience from hot and cold beverages and foods overshadowing how well they might taste? Sensitive teeth can be a real bummer.
This is a common issue, as a survey of dental offices found that approximately one in eight people suffer from tooth sensitivity. While the issue could escalate to a dental emergency, you’ll be pleased to know that simply finding an effective desensitizing toothpaste could be your solution.
Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Melbourne about how desensitizing toothpaste works and key considerations when selecting the brand for you.
(more…)Whether you go out to the bar for an evening with your friends or play a game of pickup basketball with them, you are more likely to feel the effects of either activity the next day as you get older. You have to take better care of yourself than you did 20 years ago.
While you were hopefully just as diligent in your oral hygiene regimen back in college as you are now, your teeth are definitely more susceptible to dental health problems in your golden years than they were in the old days. Keep reading for some dental hygiene tips for seniors from your dentist in Melbourne.