One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, porcelain veneers are one of the most effective ways to transform dull, cracked, stained, or misshapen teeth into fantastic, unforgettable smiles.
Veneers are thin shells of dental porcelain that are firmly adhered to the front teeth. Translucent and precisely fabricated to create your ideal smile, lifelike porcelain veneers require the trained and artistic eye of a cosmetic dentist like Dr. Rose.
When you choose porcelain veneers, Dr. Rose will hold a private consultation with you at our Melbourne practice to discuss your ideal smile, and will recommend the best way to achieve the results you want. At your veneer appointment, a very thin layer will be removed from the front of any teeth which will receive veneers. Temporary veneers will be put in place until your permanent veneers arrive from the specialized laboratory. At your second visit, Dr. Rose will cement your custom porcelain veneers permanently into place.
Why are porcelain veneers so popular? Besides being a conservative cosmetic treatment, porcelain veneers can correct a host of aesthetic issues. Whether you’d like to cover stained teeth, correct gaps between your teeth, or lengthen teeth that are too short, porcelain veneers can address your needs.
If you’re unhappy with your smile’s appearance, talk to Dr. Rose about our cosmetic dentistry solutions, including porcelain veneers. What better way to regain the confidence and smile you deserve?